Reason Behind my Obsession to Cats (feat. Cats in BGC)

September 01, 2017

Ever since I was a child, I have been fond of cats. I love cuddling them, petting them. I just want to bring them to my house and play with them the whole day.

Cats are stress-relievers. Playful and the best part: they don't make too much mess and noise. They are low maintenance. 

As I walked down the streets in Bonifacio Global City (BGC), a friend of mine introduced me to a so-called Catwalk.  He named it catwalk because there are lots of stray cats which are too friendly, that they won't get scared as you approach them.

I love this kitten so much. I wanna bring him to my appartment

That night was awesome. A heavy heart was lifted. Cheered.
There were like 8 cats in here. They are everywhere

So the next morning when I had a chance, I went to the Catwalk from McDonald's after I had my breakfast. Same cats, cute, sweet, and their fur is as clean as if they are groomed regularly. I hugged them. Petted them, not worrying whether I'll get germs from these stray cats.

A minute or two has just passed while playing with these beautiful creatures. I just realized few things, a little bit psychological LOL. Too much obsession to cats may have been caused to our similar characteristics.

  1. Cats are low maintenance. You can make them happy with a strand of string or yarn. This is something distinct to me. I appreciate even the shallowest thing in this world. Big or small, cheap or expensive, with effort or without effort, I appreciate everything that is given to me.
  2. I'm seloso. Cats are known to be jealous. They too want to be pampered, to be noticed (they even rub their bodies to our legs, don't they?), but at the end of the day, when they fail to get your attention, they'll just sit on a corner and stay silent. In my case, whenever I get ignored, and get out of place, I remain silent and wonder if someone really cares for me. Lol. I'm low maintenance but why they seem to ignore me sometimes.
  3. Cats go with different cats. Same in my case, I go with different people. But it's quite alarming that only few of them are really concerned of me. Only few of them really care. Who are real?
  4. Cats are hygienic when it comes to their fur. I admittedly am vain and have quite a few routines.
  5. Cats are there to make your feeling light. I'm an open book to everyone I know. I share. I care. I can make you smile and I can be your confidant if you want. You just have to make that choice, to approach me, and I will listen.
Bye buds! I've to go to my office now. 'Til next time

Because of the challenges that we face in our lives, we do not know whom to seek comfort and assistance. It seems nobody wants to help you. It seems nobody cares. Unfortunately, those who we don't expect to be of help, are the ones who really can bring back the smiles in our face.

During my loneliest days the past few weeks, I find a strength from these beings. And that's when I appreciate them more. Cats are stress relievers. Heaven sent to lighten your load. Cats can be your best companion (seriously Josquine? lol). Cats can save you from stress.

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