I Failed Thrice in College...But Now I'm a CPA!

June 06, 2017

Since our review classes started, I have always prayed "Lord, allow me to pass this board exam to serve as inspiration to others. Make me as your instrument to give hope to those who want to give up."

Six months of labor, and consistent prayers, He gave what I sought, my CPA License!

Sounds cliché but I was probably the happiest person in the world when I saw my name in the list of passers. Who would not be? Passing one of the most difficult licensure exams is quite an achievement, isn't it?

Plus, who would have thought that a student like I, who had three failing grades in collegewould manage to surpass this exam with flying colors.

Reminiscing the past, it was hard to accept that I harvested three cincos (FIVE or a failing rating in our grading system). Although I knew that I had tons of shortcomings, it was hard to tell my parents that I disappointed them.

But parents, whatever happens, will always be our parents. They comforted me in my darkest hours and helped me to move forward. Immediately after our last class in college, I told myself "I will redeem myself. I shall be the Top 1 in May 2017 CPA Board Exam."

Quite a dream eh? Too bold to broadcast, but yes, I've been very vocal about it.

Revamping Myself

I strategized. I created a game plan. I had a schedule and I STRICTLY sticked to it. I sacrificed a lot in the span of 6 months. I withdrew my exisiting bookkeeping contracts with my clients. I never had time for my facial routine. I had to wake up at 6AM in the morning and sleep at 12 in the midnight (sometimes 1 AM).

And during our first pre-board exam, I ranked 26th in ReSA (my review center). I challenged myself more to make my rank higher so I tripled the effort. I minimized the use of my social medias, I seldom used my laptop.

Each day was just dedicated for studying. I became too ill-tempered and my aunt and parents noticed that. They could not not talk to me unless very important because I badly wanted to top. I BADLY WANTED TO REDEEM MYSELF.
My college classmates who enrolled in ReSA (From left) Claudine, I, Jen and Earl. Earl is already a CPA. He just visited us often to teach some techniques in AFAR,

Now our second pre-board exam has come. I felt more pressure than the first since this was my last shot in ReSA to be part of the topnotchers. And voila, I landed on the 8th spot garnering 92.00%. And at that very moment, all I knew was to thank God.

Nevertheless, I knew that this was just the beginning of my journey to my CPA title. I had to perform well in the actual board exam. The pressure was there, like always. There were times that my past of having three failing grades in college flashed back.

There were lots of what-ifs. What if I don't pass? What if I failed in Taxation and get a conditional rating? What will my parents tell me?

So I kicked my ass harder and answered as many materials as I could. Aside from our pre-week materials from ReSA, I answered the pre-week materials of CPAR, Wiley MAS Test bank, CRC AFAR Quizzers, and the pre-boards of the Big 4 Review Centers.

Many reviewers said that answering lots of review materials from different review centers was not advisable, but for me, it was effective.

For the entire pre-week season, my friend Jen accompanied me to several nearby churches like San Sebastian and St. Jude Thaddeus. There we surrendered our prayers. I always prayed to Him to help and guide those who were working hard for their dreams.

I had lots of sacrifices. I changed my lifestyle from being a Facebook person to a studious and grade-conscious person. I withdrew my business engagements and I just hoped that all of these sacrifices would make sense and would be sufficient to obtain my CPA and Topnotcher dream.

The Real Battle

Now the moment of truth has come  the actual board exam. The desire to topnotch the board was still burning. But during the first day, I felt that my topnotcher dream was not possible anymore. I had lots of unsure answers in RFBT! Although I was very confident in Taxation, my correct answers could not make up my mistakes in RFBT. I knew that.

I became conservative and realistic. I gave up on my topnotcher dream. But hey, this was just the first day. If I could perfect all the exams, I could still land on any of the ranks in Top 10. Hilarious.

Then Auditing day. Okay, it's just a confirmatory exam that I would not make it to the Top 10. I became depressed. Yes, depressed AF. I even projected my possible grades through excel to see my chances to topnotch the board but whatever adjustment assumptions I did, it was still a so-so performance, not a topnotcher material. My brother would advise me to answer more materials rather than dwell on it, and so I followed his advice.

Third day was FAR and MAS. And I was so shocked. I didn't expect FAR would be as difficult as that. This probably was the most difficult subject, at least for me, to the point that I doubted even JUST passing the CPA Board Exam!

Legit Fear of Mine that Nobody Believes in

My past flashed back once again. I was hearing lots of what ifs, I was so afraid on what would others tell me and how I might disappoint my parents, for the second time.

My friends thought that I was bragging. "Rank 8 sa ReSA, babagsak? Wag ka nga, Quine." But my fear was legit! Nobody was buying it.

They say, in times of doubts and worry, just pray. So I went to our nearby church, San Sebastian and attended the mass. I just thanked Him, and talked to Him as my friend. I enumerated to Him all of my sacrifices and how I came this far.

From having three failing grades in college, to being ReSA's Topnotcher, I knew to myself that I did my very best so I deserve my CPA title.

Now the last day of exam has come, AFAR. Goosebumps! Majority of the questions in AFAR were from CRC Quizzers, the materials that I answered! This might be Lord's answer to my prayers.

Immediately after the last day of exam, I knew, that I'd be a CPA before the month of May ends! I was 100% sure.

The Best Day of my Life

Now the board exam results were released. As I scrolled the list of passers, I was shaking, perhaps due to excitement more than fears. Then I saw,

I'm already a CPA! #1120 is my brother!

I immediately ran to the restroom where my mom was and tell her "Ma, I'm already a CPA!" My dad crawled his way to the restroom and rejoiced with us. My brother, who also happened to take the board exam in May 2017, also passed so it must be really a golden harvest for them.

I saw my father cried. It was the most touching scene I've seen in my life. A man who seldom expressed his emotion did not hesitate to burst what he felt. It was tears of joy. Maybe, he thought that all of their sacrifices were all worth it.

May 29th, 2017 is the day I will never forget. It was the day of my triumph. It was the day where I played the role of a good son to my parents. It was the day when I became aware that even once, I have made my parents proud.

What Aspiring CPAs Should Know

If there is one lesson that I can share to you, that is to dream the widest! To those of you who have failed in college, to those of you who doubt, it's never to late to change and redeem yourself. If I did it, you can do it as well!

Your dream/goal will determine your future so if you were to set your dreams, go for the highest. Be HUNGRY. Do not settle to just simply passing the board exam. I may have not achieved my Topnotcher dream but I tell you, I would not be in my present place if I just aimed to  have a 75% rating. I can testify to you that I will not be a  CPA  if my goal is just to pass. Always incorporate excellence, not mediocrity, in your work, and most importantly, PRAY. Have faith and always remember, seek and you shall receive. 

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  1. Wow, this is way too inspiring. I am so pleased to know how you revamped and won everything. Thanks for sharing your story with us. I also have failed the LSAT twice and was stressed but your story has given me the inspiration to start over. I will surely be joining the prep course and will also Practice LSAT Questions on my own.

    1. Hey Gregor! Thank you very much for your comment. Yes, nothing is impossible. I wish you nothing but the best in your LSAT. You have already won with your courage to take it for another try. Cheers!

  2. This really inspired me, I can totally relate with graduating with Cincos in my transcript. I'm glad to have encountered a story like yours proving that a failing grade does not define one but it can be a strong motivation to redeem yourself and dream the widest. So happy to have read your story Josquine. I'm taking the October 2018 CPALE. A month ago I'm doubting myself. But I decided to go for it. I prayed to the Lord Jesus, admitted my shortcomings, and lift up all my worried to Him. Doing my best until the very end. Walang bibitaw #notetoself 😉😊

    1. Hi Vivien! Thank you very much for the comment :) True, your cincos in your transcript shall not define you. Our mistakes shall not hinder us towards our dreams. Keep dreaming and pepper it with actions and for sure, you'll reach that success. Balitaan mo ko sa results ha? All the best. :)

  3. This really inspired me, I can totally relate with graduating with Cincos in my transcript. I'm glad to have encountered a story like yours proving that a failing grade does not define one but it can be a strong motivation to redeem yourself and dream the widest. So happy to have read your story Josquine. I'm taking the October 2018 CPALE. A month ago I'm doubting myself. But I decided to go for it. I prayed to the Lord Jesus, admitted my shortcomings, and lift up all my worried to Him. Doing my best until the very end. Walang bibitaw #notetoself 😉😊


    1. Hi Vivien! Thank you very much for the comment :) True, your cincos in your transcript shall not define you. Our mistakes shall not hinder us towards our dreams. Keep dreaming and pepper it with actions and for sure, you'll reach that success. Balitaan mo ko sa results ha? All the best. :)


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